Thailand UNAIDS Theme Group


UNAIDS is the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. Through the co-sponsors and other partners, UNAIDS leads and catalyses an expanded response to the epidemic to improve prevention and care, reduce people's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, and alleviate the epidemic's devastating public health and economic impact.

In Thailand, the UNAIDS Theme Group was established in 1996, composed of the resident representatives of all UNAIDS cosponsors namely: UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UNESCO, WHO, the World Bank and other UN organisations working on AIDS-related activities: UNDCP and UNIFEM. The Chairperson of the Theme Group rotates among the members annually or biannually. The UNDP Resident Co-ordinator chaired the Theme Group in 1996, followed by the UNICEF Country Representative in 1997 and the WHO Representative in 1998-1999. The Technical Working Group comprising staff designated by the resident representatives of each UN organisation carries out joint planning and oversees the collaborative activities. The Theme Group and the Technical Working Group work in collaboration with NGOs, groups of people living with HIV/AIDS, relevant governmental organisations, bilateral and multilateral agencies, private sector, academic and research institutions.

In 1998, a plan of action for 1998-1999 activities under the Thailand UNAIDS Theme Group was formulated with the support of the Strategic Planning and Development Funds from UNAIDS Geneva. Areas of focus, activities with time frame, expected outcome, budget, executing and implementing agencies were identified. Twelve projects proposed from governmental, non-governmental agencies and academic institutions were supported under this plan of action with the total amount of USD200, 000. Subjects included care and support, prevention of drug abuse, compassion for people living with HIV/AIDS, information sharing, promotion of roles of local authorities in HIV/IADS work, research and development and promotion of best practices. In 1998 these have included: Regular sharing of information on the activities funded by each agency; - Organisation and support for special Donors and NGOs meetings; - Support to specific mass communication activities promoting compassion with people living with HIV or AIDS; - Preparation of a strategic plan of action for UNAIDS collaboration for 1998-1999 that will focus on the following areas where gaps or needs for innovative work were identified: Improving children attitudes in relation to AIDS; Strengthening the response to the epidemic in the South; Policy definition on preventive activities in drug users; Advocacy and capacity building to strengthen the response of Sub-District Administration to AIDS. Among the most significant outputs identified in some of the projects implemented are: - increased community awareness on children affected by AIDS (their specific needs and opportunities for a consistent response, including the area of emotional support); the organisation of District or TAO based plans for a response to AIDS that comprehends special attention to children affected by AIDS.

Dated: 26Jan1999