UN Common Database
Section A - Recommended Minimum
National Social Data Set (supplemented)


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A. Recommended Minimum National Social Data Set (supplemented)

Date/Period of Measurement
Frequency of Measurement
Data Sources
Population Total 61.7 million Jan-00 Bi-annual Mahidol Population Gazette, Vol 9, No.1, Jun.2000 The Department of Health of the Ministry of Public Health uses this data.  * = For married women in reproductive age using modern method
by sex male 30.7 million
female 31.0 million
Life Expectancy at birth by sex male 70 years Jan-00 Bi-annual Mahidol Population Gazette, Vol 9, No.1, Jun.2000 the same as above
female 75 years
Total Fertility Rate   1.98 per woman Jan-00 Bi-annual the same as above the same as above
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)   25 per 1,000 live births Jan-00 Bi-annual the same as above the same as above
Child Mortality Rate (under 5 years)   31 per 1,000 live births 1996 not specified National Maternal and Child Health Fact Book, 1997, MOPH The fact book is updated on availability of new data.
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)   44 per 100,000 live births 1995-1996 not specified Research on Maternal Mortality in Thailand 1995-1996 by Bureau of Health Promotion, Dept. of Health, MOPH The Bureau of Health Policy and Planning, MOPH has another indicator on MMR which is 10.6 per 100,000 live births in 1997.
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR)*   72.00% 2000 Bi-annual Mahidol Population Gazette, Vol 8, No.2, Jul, 1999 The Department of Health of the Ministry of Public Health uses this data.  * = For married women in reproductive age using modern method
Average number of schooling completed             Data to be supplied by UNESCO
GDP per capita at current prices 74909 (Baht) 1998 annually National Account Division, NESDB The data presented here is calculated by adding up the quarterly GDP figures of 1998 and divided by the population figure.  For comparisons, the 1988 annual GDP per capita at current prices is 28,380 Baht.
at 1988 prices 45037 (Baht)
Households monthly income per capita Whole kingdom 3432 (Baht) 1998 Bi-annual Preliminary Report of the 1998 Household Socio-Economic Survey, National Statistics Office, Office of the Prime Minister  
by region Bangkok 7,866
Central 3,575
North 2,799
Northeast 2,133
South 2,948
Monetary value of the basket of food needed for minimum nutritional requirements             According to the Institute of Nutrition at Mahidol University, the information for this indicator is not available in Thailand. However, this kind of data could be generated but that would require time as well as the appropriate methodology to be adapted for this purpose. Possibly in the future this indicator will be used, but for the moment no ready data are available.
Unemployment rate by sex male 3.40% Aug-98 4 times a year Labour Force Survey Round Three, National Statistics Office, Prime Minister office Unemployment rate based on round one (February), which is dry season is usually higher.
female 3.40%
Employment-population ratio by sex male 57.80% Aug-98 4 times a year Labour Force Survey Round Three, National Statistics Office, Prime Minister office  
female 47.10%
total 52.50%
Access to safe water   Whole kingdom 81.00% 1990-1997   1999 HDR Up-to-date data to be supplied by UNCHS. Meanwhile, HDR data is provided herein.
Access to sanitation   Whole kingdom 94.00% 1990-1997   1999 HDR
Number of people per room, excluding kitchen and bathroom     4.4 1990   NHDR 1990 Population and Housing Sensus Data to be supplied by UNCHS


Dated: 29Mar2000