UN Common Database
Section C - Governance and Human Rights


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C. Governance and human rights

Date/Period of Measurement
Frequency of Measurement
Data Sources
Ratio of reported violation of election laws to number of candidates in national election   0.00 1996 every recent national elections Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior The most recent national election recorded is on the 17th of May,1996.
Female electoral candidates as a percentage of total electoral candidates in national election Whole kingdom 15.58 1996 every recent national elections the same as above the same as above
region Central 19.83
North 11.59
South 5.34
Northeast 14.87
Successful female electoral candidates as a percentage of total successful electoral candidates in national election Whole kingdom 5.60 1996 every recent national elections the same as above the same as above
region Central 5.43
North 9.33
South 5.77
Northeast 3.65
Local government Personnel as a Proportion of Total Government Personnel All types of government personnel 8.64% 1998 fiscal year annually Office of the Civil service Commission Local government personnel includes officials of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Pattaya City Council, provincial officials, municipality officials, sanitation officials and Tambon officials.
excluding non-civil servants staff 7.21%
Ratio of complaints of malfeasence, abused of authority, negligence and corruption by public officials filed with OCSC, AGT to total number of public officials. Total 3.43 (per 10,000) 1998 fiscal year annually Bureau of Disciplinary and Ethics Promotion, Office of the Civil Service Commission, Office of the Prime minister. Approximated by the number of punished officials filed at the Bureau of Disciplinary and Ethics Promotion.
by sex Male 2.56
Female 0.88
Revenue of Local Government Units as a proportion of central government revenue Overall 12.97 (%) 1998 fiscal year annually Local Fiscal Policy Office, Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance New Municipality Administration used to be Sanitary District Administration.
Types of local government unit Old Municipality Administration 2.95
New Municipality Administration 1.11
Provincial Admin. 0.63
Tambon Admin. 3.96
Bangkok Metropolitan Admin. 4.28
Pattaya City Council 0.04
Proportion of the media owned or operated by non-governmental agencies Overall 17.68 (%) 1998 every two years Public Relation Department, Office of the Prime minister  
Types of Media Radio 0.00
Television (including ITV) 50.00
Newspaper 100.00
Magazines 100.00
Establishment / development of governance and human rights instrument National Policy and Master Plan of Action on Human Rights       Drafting process on going
The National Human Rights Commission       Law enacted by Parliament
The Administrative Courts       Already established and nominations for 23 judges position underway.
The Ombudsman       Law enacted by Parliament
The Constitutional Court       Already in existence

Dated: 29 Mar 2000