Welcome to the United Nations System in Thailand.
We hope you find this site both interesting and useful. We have tried to provide you with information on what we are doing in this country – and to direct you to other sites that may be of interest.
The UN Community in Thailand is more diverse than in most countries, because Bangkok is a major regional centre for the UN System. We have a wide range of agency offices dealing with Thailand, the South East Asia Sub-Region and the whole of Asia and the Pacific, from Central Asia in the West to the Pacific Islands in the East.
We were particularly pleased to have a visit from the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan and his wife, Nane - seen here with heads of UN organisations - during February, 2000. The Secretary-General was here on a country visit to Thailand, and to address the UNCTAD X Conference.As the United Nations Resident Coordinator, I am charged with trying to make sense of all these activities from a Thailand country perspective. My colleague Kim Hak-Su, Executive Secretary of the Regional Commission (ESCAP) does so from a region-wide perspective. Coordinating the activities of these agencies is a major task, which you can read about in Management of the UN System.
If you wish to get a taste of our activities in and around Thailand, my 1999 Resident Coordinator’s Report, which has just been published, contains a useful overview of the UN’s work. You may also find it interesting to visit the websites of our various agencies.
To learn more about our views on Thailand, read the Common Country Assessment (CCA) which we published in 1999, and the first Human Development Report on Thailand published by UNDP.
J.K. Robert England
Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System’s Operational Activities for Development in ThailandTo make suggestions or comments, email or phone, FAX or mail the Resident Coordinator.
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Dated: 8 December 2000