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Document Details

Title: Realising Human Rights for the Poor

Author: DFID

Organisation: DFID

Document Type: Paper

Sector: Development Cooperation Agency

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: development cooperation agency, policy, targets, lessons learned, human rights instruments, obligations, monitoring and evaluation

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Description: This policy document presents DFID's strategy for the achievement of human rights and fundamental freedoms of poor people. Section one explains why the human rights framework is central to the achievement of the International development targets. Section two describes the international human rights framework. Section three considers recent experience in efforts to improve the human rights situation of poor people and identifies some key lessons learnt by the international community in seeking to promote human rights. Section four identifies the actions required by the international community to ensure that development enables all people to be active citizens with rights, expectations and responsibilities. Section five focuses on priorities for DFID in supporting this agenda. Section six considers how to measure progress against DFID's priority objectives.

Language: English

Pages: 33

Publication Details: DFID: London, 2000

Distributor: DFID, 94 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5JL,

ISBN Number: 1 86192 300 7




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