Document Details
Title: Voices of the Poor: From Many Lands, Crying Out for Change and Can Anyone Hear Us
Author: Deepa Narayan, Robert Chambers, Meera Kaul Shah, Patti Petesch
Organisation: World Bank
Document Type: Book
Sector: Poverty Reduction
Geographical Focus: Global
Subject: projects, programming
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Description: ‘Can Anyone Hear Us is the voices of over 40,000 people from 50 countries.’ ‘Crying Out for Change brings together the voices of over 20,000 poor men and women from comparative fieldwork conducted in 1999 in 23 countries.’ ‘From Many Lands presents a selection of these country case studies.’ ‘the voices of the poor study is different from all other large scale poverty studies. Using participatory and qualitative research methods, the study presents directly, through poor people’s own voices, the realities of their lives.’
Language: English
Pages: -
Publication Details: The World Bank and Oxford University Press, New York, 2002
Distributor: The World Bank, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433, U.S.A., tel: (202) 473-1000, fax: (202) 477-6391, Web:
ISBN Number: 0-19-521601-6