Document Details
Title: A Human Rights Approach to Development
Author: Julia Hauserman
Organisation: DFID
Document Type: Paper
Sector: General
Geographical Focus: Global
Subject: human rights instruments, policy
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Description: This paper, written at the very beginning of the rights-based approaches phase of development theory, layouts a clear case for the adoption of a rights-based approach. The paper begins with a discussion of the human rights framework, providing the reader with a deeper understanding of human rights and the relationship between human rights, development and international policy. It then goes on the outline and defend a human rights approach to development. The paper also has an interesting Questions and Answers on Human Rights and Development section.
Language: English
Pages: 260
Publication Details: Rights and Humanity, Commissioned by Department for International Development of the UK Government ,London, 1998
Distributor: Rights and Humanity, 65A Swindle St., London, WC1X 9NT, UK Tel. 44 171 837 4188, Fax: 44 171 278 4576, Email: [email protected]
ISBN Number: 1 874680 027