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Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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Document Details

Title: Draft Guidelines: A Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies

Author: Paul Hunt, Manfred Nowak, Siddiq Osmani

Organisation: OHCHR

Document Type: Guidelines

Sector: Poverty Reduction

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: poverty reduction strategies, policy, programming, human rights instruments, monitoring and evaluation, accountability, guidelines

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Description: These guidelines help to clarify what a rights-based approach to development means in practice. The objective of the guidelines is to provide practitioners involved in the design and development of poverty reduction strategies with operational guidelines for the adoption of a human rights approach to poverty reduction. The Guidelines are divided into three sections. Section I sets out the basic principles of a human rights approach that should inform the process of formulating a poverty reduction strategy. Section II sets out the human rights approach to determining the content of a poverty reduction strategy. Divided into international and national rights this section outlines the relevance of each right to poverty reduction, demonstrates the content of the right as set out in international human rights instruments, identifies key targets in relation to each right and identifies indicators against which to assess the attainment of the targets, and finally sets out key features of a strategy for achieving the specified targets. Section III explains how the human rights approach can guide monitoring and accountability aspects of poverty reduction strategies.

Language: English

Pages: 61

Publication Details: OHCHR, Geneva, 2002

Distributor: Research and Right to Development Unit, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR-UNOG, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone Number (41-22) 917-9000

ISBN Number: -




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