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Document Details

Title: Handbook in Human Rights Assessment: State Obligations, Awareness and Empowerment

Author: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Organisation: NORAD

Document Type: Assessment tool

Sector: General

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: human rights impact analysis, monitoring and evaluation, human rights situation analysis, programming, indicators

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Description: The focus of this handbook is at the programme level. The handbook aims to assist staff with addressing relevant human rights concerns by means of a form which records potential, planned and/or likely positive effects of the programme under review. This Handbook will assist the case worker in identifying and documenting various types of effects and make a general assessment of the overall human rights impact that a programme may have. This handbook is not a manual on how to conduct a full scale human rights impact analysis rather it is a guide that will assist the user to identify the need for such an analysis. Chapter two presents the relationship between human rights and development. Chapter three presents the human rights impact analysis form and clearly describes how to make use of the form. Chapter four provides ideas on when to carry out a human rights assessment.

Language: English

Pages: 47

Publication Details: NORAD, Norway, 2001

Distributor: NORAD, PB 8034 Dep, N-0030 Oslo, Norway, Email: [email protected]

ISBN Number: -




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