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Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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Document Details

Title: PRAMs: Linking Participation and Institutional Change, A background Working paper on Participatory Rights Assessment Methodologies Project Draft for comment

Author: CDS Swansea and Associates

Organisation: DFID

Document Type: Paper

Sector: Participation

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: participation, programming, monitoring and evaluation, poverty reduction, projects

Hyperlink to document: Paper Draft 31 October 2002.doc

Description: This paper aims to contributes to work on putting a rights based perspective into practice. It reviews the use of participatory approaches and methods for the assessment and promotion of rights issues. The paper briefly reviews DFID’s approach to poverty reduction before describing what PRAMs are and how they can be important for the implementation of a rights-based approach. The paper goes on to describe how PRAMs can be implemented in relation to the ongoing pilot PRAMs projects

Language: English

Pages: -

Publication Details: DFID, 2002

Distributor: DFID, [email protected]

ISBN Number: -




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Regional Representative for Asia-Pacific, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
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