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Document Details

Title: Child Rights Programming - How to Apply Rights Approaches in Programming

Author: International Save the Children Alliance

Organisation: Save the Children

Document Type: Guidelines, Training manual

Sector: Children

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: programming, human rights situation analysis, monitoring and evaluation, training, advocacy, CRC, Convention on the rights of the child, human rights instruments

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Description: The handbook is meant to serve as background material for training on child rights programming. It presents the key features of child rights programming, how the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be used as basis in the programme cycle and as a tool for advocacy.

Language: English

Pages: -

Publication Details: Save the Children Sweden; International Save the Children Alliance, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002

Distributor: Save the Children Sweden, SE-107 88 Stockholm,; email [email protected] International Save the Children Alliance, 275-281 King Street, London w6 9LZ, UK. email [email protected]

ISBN Number: 91-7321-038-2




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