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Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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Document Details

Title: Elements for an Overall UNESCO Strategy on Human Rights

Author: UNESCO

Organisation: UNESCO

Document Type: Paper

Sector: UN Agency

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: policy, programming, UN agency

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Description: In response to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Reform Programme and in accordance with the Medium-Term Strategy (2002-2007), adopted by the General Conference, the Director-General asked the Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences to elaborate, in cooperation with other sectors, proposals for an overall UNESCO strategy on human rights. The document suggests ways of further integrating human rights within the Organization’s programmes. It presents the proposals concerning elements for an overall UNESCO strategy aimed at enhancing the Organization’s contribution to the promotion of all human rights and, in particular, those within UNESCO’s fields of competence.

Language: English

Pages: 17

Publication Details: UNESCO: Paris, 2002

Distributor: UNESCO

ISBN Number: -




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