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Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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Document Details

Title: 25 Questions and Answers on Health and Human Rights

Author: WHO

Organisation: World Health Organisation

Document Type: Booklet

Sector: UN Agency

Geographical Focus: Global

Subject: Human rights principles, health, policy

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Description: This document is set out in question and answer format. Section one covers health and human rights norms and standards, including right to health and international law. Section two covers integrating human rights into health. This section discusses a rights-based approach to health. Section three looks at health and human rights in a broader context.

Language: English

Pages: 32

Publication Details: WHO:Geneva, 2002

Distributor: Helena Nygren-Krug, Health and Human rights, strategy Unit, Director General's Office, WHO, 20 avenue Appia - 1221 Geneva 27, Switzerland,

ISBN Number: 92 4154569 0




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