Document Details
Title: An Introduction to Child Rights Programming Concept and Application
Author: Save the Children UK
Organisation: Save the Children
Document Type: Guidelines
Sector: Children
Geographical Focus: Global
Subject: programming, children, guidelines, training, theory, implementation, resources
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Description: The guidelines are aimed particularly at users unfamiliar with rights based approaches. They give an introduction to rights-based approaches and to SC UK child rights programming. Furthermore the guidelines look at the practical application of child rights programming and provide a list of resources related to this issue
Language: English
Pages: -
Publication Details: Save the Children UK, London, UK, Ist ed. 2000
Distributor: Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, London SES 8RD, UK, Tel: 0 20 7703 5400, Fax: 0 20 7708 2508. Web:
ISBN Number: -