Document Details
Title: Promoting Rights and Responsibilities
Author: Care
Organisation: Care
Document Type: Newsletter
Sector: General
Geographical Focus: Asia, Africa, Latin America
Subject: programming, resources, policy, case studies, experience, lessons learned, policy, theory, programming
Hyperlink to document:
Description: The newsletter provides a space for Care staff to relate their experiences with RBA programming. It comprises five sections featuring case studies, staff reflections, conceptual pieces, resources and approaches from other organizations.
Language: English
Pages: -
Publication Details: Care, Care Human Rights Initiative Office, East Africa Middle East Management Unit, Kenya, Oct.2000, Feb.2001, June 2001, Oct.2001, Feb.2002, June 2002
Distributor: Care, Human Rights Initiative Office, Care USA, 151 Ellis Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 USA, Michael Rewald, Rights-based Approach Advisor, email: [email protected]
ISBN Number: -