Subject with related terms

If you're experiencing difficulties selecting the appropriate keywords to fill in the subject box, consult either this subject table page that you can search with the Find command in the Edit menu of your browser (or control F) or the UNESCO thesaurus which was used as the basis for the subjects used in the database. .

Terms used in database Related terms
responsibility, social responsibility, transparency, governance
basic needs
decent standard of life, minimum requirements, living conditions
capacity building
institution building, empowerment, human resources development, enhancement of capabilities
case studies
research work, field work
child rights
rights of the child, childrens rights, CRC (convention on the rights of the child)
childhood, boys, girls
children participation
social participation, participatory development, community participation, youth participation
civil society
nongovernmental organizations, associations, grassroot movements
mediation, arbitration, peacemaking, conflict resolution
collaboration, cooperation, cooperation framework
delegation of authority, local governance, local government
democracy, political participation
development policy
development aid
development strategies
development planning, strategic planning
disabled persons
rights of the disabled, handicapped
disadvantaged groups
vulnerable groups, socially disadvantaged, social exclusion
equality, equal opportunity
economic policy
economic legislation, economic planning
economic, social and cultural rights
ESCR, ICESCR (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights)
economics of education
education policy
capacity building, participatory development
environmental policy
environmental management, environmental conservation, environmental degrradation, environmental law, sustainable development
evaluation methods, monitoring and evaluation, assessment, indicators
gender discrimination
equality, womens rights
health policy
health care, health services, health insurance, public health
housing rights
right to housing
human development
sustainable human development, human resources development, human capabilities
human rights analysis
human rights situation analysis, human rights evaluation, human rights assessment, root causes analysis
human rights education
civic education, peace education
human rights institutions
human rights instruments
human rights standards, human rights norms
human rights law
international human rights law, human rights violations
humanitarian assistance
emergency relief, war devastated countries
humanitarian law
international humanitarian law
project implementation, project management
evaluation methods, monitoring and evaluation
international trade
trade, world trade, trade policy
right to justice, access to justice, law enforcement, administration of justice
land law
land tenure, eviction, land reform
legal education
legal reform
law reform
Legal systems
law, law reform, legal reform
lessons learned
mass media, mass communication, media messages, media ethics
research methods and techniques
migration policy, migration law, freedom of movement, immigration, migrant workers, migrants
Millenium Development Goals
minority groups, national minorities, ethnic groups
monitoring and evaluation
evaluation methods, indicators
organisational change
political participation, democratization
participatory development
popular participation, social participation, community participation, social change
poor, basic needs, social exclusion
poverty reduction
poverrty alleviation, poverty reduction strategies
project design, strategic planning, development programme
reproductive rights
womens rights
right to development
right to education
right to food
right to health
right to housing
right to water
right to water
rule of law
law enforcement
situation analysis
analysis framework, causal analysis, rootcauses analysis
social development
social exclusion
disadvantaged groups, marginalization, social alienation
social participation
community participation, participatory development
strategic planning
development planning
structural adjusment
economic policy, economic reform, economic structure, economic measures
sustainable development
environmentally sound development, environment management, self reliance
professional training, traning methods, trainers, training courses
womens rights
CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women), gender discrimination, equal opportunity, reproductive rights