Regional Office for South East-Asia
Human Rights Officer, P/3 (Bangkok), Deadline: 26 Dec 2006
Human Rights Officer, P/4 (Bangkok), Deadline: 18 Dec 2006
The Office of the Regional Representative for South East-Asia of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in Bangkok, offers internships to graduate students, undergraduates who have completed their degree and individuals already working with human rights related organizations. Preference is given to applicants who live in the Asia-Pacific and work in the field of human rights in this region.
The aims of the internship programme are:
- To increase the capacity of the OHCHR’s regional Office in Bangkok to fulfill its responsibilities;
- To help strengthen the capacity of organizations in Asia-Pacific to work on human rights issues by giving existing human rights workers or graduate students intending to work in this field, an opportunity to broaden their human rights experience and knowledge;
- To give interns exposure to the work of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Asia-Pacific and human rights related work in other UN agencies;
- To broaden the understanding of interns of current human rights issues in Asia-Pacific and globally;
- To give interns an introduction to the functioning of United Nations human rights bodies and mechanisms.
Interns are integrated into the OHCHR team, they participate and contribute to staff meetings and discussions, research human rights issues, draft papers and reports, develop and maintain information databases, and provide support to other OHCHR activities. Interns work under the supervision of OHCHR’ s staff. Interns receive some information sessions on the United Nations and human rights issues. In addition, interns have an opportunity to attend lectures, and other events related to human rights held in Bangkok.
Graduate students aiming to gain academic credit should make arrangements with their academic institution prior to starting their internship.
Internships with the United Nations are unpaid, although graduate students may benefit from work-study funds. Applicants already working for a human rights organization may be supported by their organization under conditions agreed both by OHCHR and the organization sponsoring the intern.
Interns are selected from;
1- Graduate students or those who have completed an undergraduate degree in human rights or other disciplines related to OHCHR work e.g. International Law, Political Science, Social Sciences, and Development studies. Preference will be given to those who have specialized in human rights or who have relevant paid or unpaid work experience;
2- Applicants who have significant experience working in a human rights related organization.
Applicants should be well-organized, able to work independently, have strong research, analytic and drafting skills, a good command of spoken and written English, be computer literate as well as familiar with Internet research. Knowledge of international human rights issues and particularly of Asia-Pacific issues is highly desirable. In addition to English, proficiency in more than one language of the Asia-Pacific region is valued.
Preference is given to applicants will live in the Asia-Pacific and work in the field of human rights.
Dates and Duration
Internships are usually for a period of six months. Interns are selected three times a year: September for the 1st Semester (1 January- 30 June); December for the 2nd Semester (1 April – 30 September); and March for the 3rd Semester (1 July – 31 December). When applying for an internship, candidates should indicate the semester for which they wish to be considered. The Regional office has a core staff of three people and a maximum of five interns.
Interns work with a supervisor with whom they develop a work plan. Interns and their supervisor regularly review the progress made. At the end of the internship, both the supervisor and the intern complete an evaluation report describing and assessing the internship.
OHCHR accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness occurring during an internship. Interns must have their own health insurance. In case of illness or other circumstances, which might prevent the completion of the internship, interns will inform their supervisor.
There is no expectancy of employment at the end of the internship and interns cannot apply for any regular or temporary position with the United Nations during the internship and for a following period of six months. If a human rights organization sponsors an intern, that intern would be expected to return to the organization.
Interns are usually expected to work full-time, although arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis to allow time for study and training in human rights issues.
Interns are allowed two weeks leave during the period of six months. Otherwise, they are bound by the same duties and obligations as regular staff members; in particular, all confidential and unpublished information obtained during the internship may not be used by interns without the written authorization of the OHCHR.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their application individually although OHCHR will require the recommendation of their organization or academic institution.
Applicants should submit the following documentation:
-A resume,
-A cover letter,
-A writing sample, and
-Two letters of recommendation .
Applicants working with a human rights related organization and recommended by this organization should also ensure that part II of the form is completed.
OHCHR is currently receiving applications for internships. Please note the application deadlines below:
For 1st Semester (January-June): 1 September
For 2nd Semester (April-September): 1 December
For 3rd Semester (July-December): 1 March
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Address for applications:
E-mail: ; or
Fax: +662 2883009
Postal address:
Internship Programme
Regional Office for South East-Asia OHCHR
ESCAP, UN Building, Room 601-A, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue,
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
About Past Interns : Activity : Project : Advise |