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UN Agencies in Thailand
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About UN Thailand
UN Priorities
The UN Common Country Assessment has been drafted during 2005 and focuses on the main development challenges of Thailand and on the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and MDG "Plus" targets (see below) and will in turn determine the strategic priorities and direction of the joint UN Development Assistance Framework for 2007-2011.
Six areas have now been identified as a part of the current CCA process and ad hoc thematic working groups assessed and analysed them during the first half of 2005. These are:
Poverty Reduction and Social Protection
Local Governance and Decentralization
Migration and Mobile Populations
The CCA also identified strategic challenges and cross-cutting issues that emerged from the six themes , an important step towards identifying strategic areas for UNCT development cooperation in Thailand for the UNDAF 2007-2011. These are:
Concentrating on vulnerable people and vulnerable areas
Developing local capacity
Data Collection and Analysis
The UNCT is now in the process of reflecting this common analysis into their joint business plan for the period 2007-2011, the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), which is in line with the national development planning cycle.
The Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are unique in their ambition of achieving the commitments of the Millennium Declaration. The declaration was endorsed at the Millennium Summit in September 2000 by world leaders determined to rid the world of poverty and improve peoples' lives. The UN System has been mandated to support government, civil society and the private sector in pursuit of the MDGs which comprise 8 goals, 18 targets and 48 indicators. For each goal, one or more targets have been set, mostly within a timeframe of 2015.
Millennium Development Goals:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Achieve universal primary education
Promote gender equality and empower women
Reduce child mortality
Improve maternal health
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development
Thailand is a middle income country placed in the upper half of the 'medium human development index'. It has already achieved many of the targets under each of the MDGs . However, the concept of MDG 'Plus' has been developed by the RTG, with UN support, in order to stress the importance of moving beyond the set targets once they have been reached. In this regard, the goals represent strategic areas that countries throughout the world should treat as priorities, regardless of their level of development. This also allows for individual interpretation in different countries and contexts and recognises that the initial targets are a basis rather than a ceiling. Thailand is one of the first countries to explore an MDG 'Plus' strategy.