Joint Team on Climate Change
The Joint Team on Climate Change acknowledges UN’s comparative advantage individually and collectively in supporting a climate change programme, with many agencies potentially able to contribute in terms of technical as well as financial support. The UN has in-house expertise on climate change and disaster risk reduction issues as well as access to global expertise and can assist Thailand in identifying best practices. Drawing on the multi-sectoral mandates and expertise of UN agencies, the UN can also support Thailand in addressing the multi-sectoral nature of climate change, enhancing inter-ministerial coordination and, through its broader convening role, reaching out to other stakeholders and to the public at large. A joint partnership on climate change has therefore been prepared by a team of RTG agencies (led by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) and UN agencies (led by UNEP) with three key outcomes:
Climate change adaptation mainstreamed by the key line ministries into their sectoral and provincial plans, policies and budgets.
Energy, industry and transport sector progressively contribute to the development of a low-carbon and green economy
Harmonized information and knowledge system built and partnerships established among line ministries, department and other stakeholders (including neighbouring countries) for informed decision making
Click here to see the results matrix of climate change