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14 July 2006
The 2006 Trust Fund Call for Proposals
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women invites proposals from NGOs, Local Associations and other Civil Society groups. The Fund was established by General Assembly resolution 50/166 in 1996 and is managed by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM.). This year an Inter-Agency Programme Appraisal Committee comprising of UNDP, UNHCR, UNESCAP and UNIFEM will oversee the selection process of the proposals submitted for the Fund in the East and South-east Asia Region. The call in the Region is open to Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam only. The deadline for this year’s submission of proposals in the East and South-east Asia Region is 25 August 2006.
The 2006 Trust Fund Call is open for action on two thematic areas:
A) Implementation of existing laws, policies and plans of actions that address violence against women. ( projects addressing this area can be up to two years in duration with budgets between US$ 50,000 - US$ 200,000)
B) Reducing the twin pandemics of HIV/AIDS and violence against women (projects addressing this area can be up to three years in duration with budgets between US$ 100,000 – US$ 400,000)
Please read the Call for Proposals Guidelines for information on how to apply on either of the areas. An electronic Application Form for the Proposaland an Explanatory Note - an aid for filling out the form are also attached.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 25 August 2006.
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