Travel Info
Entry visa is required from travellers on official assignment to Thailand. UN personnel arriving on assignment should obtain a Thai visa official category ‘F’ and for dependents, category ‘O’ prior to entry in Thailand. United Nations personnel travelling to Thailand from countries where there is no Thai diplomatic representation should provide the following information to the UNDP Office in Bangkok two weeks in advance: name, nationality, date of birth, passport number, place and date of issue, validity, purpose of visit, expected period of stay in Thailand, and arrival/departure date.
Visitors of selected countries may be granted an entry visa upon arrival valid for 14 days. However, this visa may not, under any circumstances, be extended or converted to a resident visa, and the traveller must leave the country prior to its expiration date. Therefore, if there is any doubt as to the possible length of the visit it is preferable to obtain a visa prior to arrival.
For more information, see the Web site of:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
the exemption of visa with Thailand
No inoculations or vaccinations are required unless a visitor is coming from countries where yellow fever is prevalent, in which case a yellow fever vaccination is required. The United Nations Medical Service recommends vaccinations against tetanus-diphtheria every ten years and against typhoid, oral or injectable, every three years for staff members and their dependents. A consultation with the Medical Service is advised for inoculations against hepatitis A and B, Japanese encephalitis, oral polio, influenza vaccine and meningococcal meningitis. Vaccines for children and vaccines for pre- and post-exposure to rabies are available in hospitals. For up-to-date information, consult International Travel and Health: Vaccination Requirements and Health Advice published annually by the World Health Organization.
All appointments to the United Nations of six months or more are subject to satisfactory medical clearance. The Organization will suggest the names of physicians who can conduct a medical examination in each country. This should be done as soon as possible as travel arrangements and finalization of the appointment cannot be made without medical clearance from the UN Medical Officer. If the physician named is not available, or if no one has been designated, a physician from the nearest well-established local hospital, preferably one connected with a medical school and with x-ray facilities, should be consulted. Examining physicians should use the MS.2 medical form. As soon as the results of the chest x-ray and the necessary laboratory tests are ready, the full report should be sent by registered airmail to the Medical Officer, United Nations Medical Service, Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
Please note that the x-ray must be a full-size film. Forwarding the chest x-ray film is not mandatory; however, a detailed report from the radiologist has to be submitted and should be sent at the same time as the rest of the report. The United Nations will reimburse the cost of this pre-placement medical examination, consisting of the required laboratory tests, namely: Urinalysis, CBC and ESR, VDRL, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Creatinine or B.U.N., Uric Acid, Triglycerides, Total Bilirubin, ATS (Aspartate Aminotransferase), ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase), GGT (Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase) and chest X-ray. An electrocardiogram is required for candidates over 40 years. A pap smear is required for married female candidates.
It is expected that the cost of pre-placement medical examinations will be consistent with the prevailing medical fees of the country concerned. The United Nations will not be responsible for fees for medical procedures which are not required by this pre-placement examination and will not on any account be responsible for fees exceeding the equivalent of US$350 (US$400 for the European Community). New staff are requested to pay the examining physician, obtain a receipt of the bill and submit the original receipt to UNDP Finance Section for reimbursement.