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Avian and Human Influenza Since 2003, a devastating epidemic of avian influenza has predominately affected poultry flocks in East Asia-particularly in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and China.For more information enter the UN Avian and Human Influenza web portal.
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UN Country Team Joint Publications
The UN Partnership Framework 2007-2011
The United Nations Partnership Framework (UNPAF) is prepared based on CCA and stated national priorities. UNPAF identifies a clear set of strategic objectives and define the specific technical cooperation that each United Nations entity will make available for the period 2007-2011.
Download UNPAF 2007-2011
Common Country Assessment(CCA)
United Nations in Thailand. It aims to summarize the principal aspects of the development situation, identify the priority concerns and in turn determine the strategic priorities and direction of the joint United Nations Partnership Framework for 2007-2011.
Download CCA 2005 English/Thai
UN Development Assistance Framework 2002-2006
The UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Thailand 2002-2006 had as its underlying theme "Promoting Disparity Reduction and Sustainable Human Development". The six focus areas were Poverty Reduction, Social Protection and Social Development, Governance, International Competitiveness, Human Security and Environmental Management.
Download UNDAF 2002-2006
UN Country Team Annual Reports
The aim of the UN Resident Co-ordinator's Annual Reports is to highlight the role and activities of the UN system in Thailand and the way in which these activities help Thailand and the region advance towards her development goals. The reports are intended to give a summary of the most important aspects of the UN system's work in Thailand.
Download Annual Report 2004-2005