What's New


This page lists new or substantially revised content since the Resident Coordinator site opened, with the most recent changes at the top. If you have some comments on the content of the site, or suggestions for future content, please contact us.



8 Dec 2000


A new page on Management of the UN System explains the committees and working groups that work to coordinate the activities of the various UN agencies in Bangkok.


The Theme Groups entries have been removed, as they are now covered by the Management of the UN System page.

13 Nov 2000


The first issue of the newsletter of the UN Inter-agency Project to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children in the Mekong Sub-region is available to download in Acrobat format, or to order by email.


All external links on the site have been checked and updated where necessary.

9 Sep 2000


We have revised the content of the UN Inter-agency Project to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children in the Mekong Sub-region and have given the pages a distinctive logo and look.

25 May 2000


All links to other sites now appear on our Thai Country team and other links page.

The UN Common Database Section G - Family Life now includes data on the number of women in prostitution. The downloadable Common Database also includes this update.

3 Apr 2000


The Trafficking Project document now clearly identify the Office of UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand as the manager of the project, with the UN Working Group providing technical support

Please re-read the download instructions the UN Common Database page. A download problem with the Excel file containing has been addressed.



The 1999 Annual Report is now available.

The first release of the UN Common Database is now available. This database has been established to complement the UN Common Country Assessment for Thailand. It contains a list of indicators which were defined by the CCA as being relevant for the monitoring of Thailand’s developmental progress


The new Resident Coordinator, Robert England, has contributed an updated home page which includes a very rare photo showing (almost) all the heads of UN agencies in Bangkok at the same time!

We have updated the contact point for information about the UN Project on Combatting Trafficking in Women and Children in the Mekong Subregion.

Our email address has been changed to



We have added a progress report to the UN Project on Combatting Trafficking in Women and Children in the Mekong Subregion, including a tabulation of the status of the formation of National Project Committees. We have also updated the paragraph related to project funding.



We have a major, new section on the UN System's support for the Community Empowerment for Response to Crisis Action Plan (CERCAP), a major initiative of the Royal Thai Government to empower local communities to develop and implement plans to address the impacts of the economic crisis on the community in self-reliant and sustainable ways.



We now have a page that lists publications that can be read or downloaded, and a page of links to the web sites of relevant organisations.

26 Mar 1999


Everything! The site opened on this date.


Dated: 8 Dec 2000