Community Empowerment 
for Response to Crisis Action Plan

This site highlights the UN System's support for the Community Empowerment for Response to Crisis Action Plan (CERCAP), a major initiative of the Royal Thai Government to empower local communities to develop and implement plans to address the impacts of the economic crisis on the community in self-reliant and sustainable ways.
We suggest that you start by reading the About CERCAP, then the UN System Support Strategy which has links to many other documents on the site.
CERCAP is in its early stages, so the "status", "monitor" and "response" pages have less content than we would like. However what content there is, plus the side headings, will give you an idea of what we will be doing to make CERCAP accessible through this site.

This site is part of the UN System Resident Coordinator site.

What's New in CERCAP
(updated 6Aug99)
  Look here for the latest changes to this site.
More About CERCAP   An overview of CERCAP.
UN System Support Strategy   The strategy developed by the UN System for supporting CERCAP.
UN System Support Framework   The UN System framework within which UN agencies can plan their own initiatives for supporting CERCAP.
Resources Centre   Resources available from UN Agencies and elsewhere for learning about participatory processes and methods of facilitating community empowerment.
Email Network   Join in discussions on community empowerment issues and practices
Implementation Status 
  Progress with the implementation of CERCAP.
Results Monitor    Results achieved at by Thai communities in terms of both empowerment processes and relief of crisis impacts.
Crisis Impact Monitor   Latest information on the ongoing impacts of the crisis on Thailand, focusing on social impacts.
UN Agency Responses 
Other Donor Responses
Related Initiatives 
  Initiatives taken by UN agencies and donors in support of CERCAP, and other crisis related initiatives of their Thai partners.
Background Documents   Many of the documents that provide the thinking behind the concepts, approach and methods in CERCAP.

Contact the Resident Coordinator to make comment on the contents of this site
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Home, What's New, About CERCAP, UN Strategy, UN Framework, Resources, Email Network, Implementation Status, Results Monitor, Impact Monitor, UN Responses, Donor Responses, Related Initiatives, Documents
Dated: 6Aug1999