Background Documents

Most of these documents have been developed by Jan Loubser, the UN System consultant on CERCAP. They include the formal documents approved by the Royal Thai Government and the UN System in Thailand that define CERCAP, as well as strategies and guidelines for appropriate actions.

National CERCAP Implementation Core Team (NCICT) TOR : National CERCAP Implementation Core Team (NCICT) Terms of Reference, 1999

NSPC CERCAP : The National Social Policy Comittee, Community Empowerment for Response to Crisis Action Plan (CERCAP), 1999

NSPC Strategy : The National Social Policy Comittee, Policy Framework, Strategies and Action Plan, 1998

An Approach to Local Community Empowerment : A Practical Approach to Community Empowerment, 1999

Local Community Empowerment Guidelines : Some ideas on Guidelines for Village Empowerment, 1999

Provincial Guidelines : Ideas for Provincial Guidelines for Implementation of CERCAP, 1999

Regional Learning Networks : Regional Learning Networks: Suggestions for the Role of the 13 "Demonstration Provinces", 1999

UN System Support Strategy : United Nations System in Thailand Strategy in Support of CERCAP, 1999

UN System Support Framework : CERCAP Support Facility Framework, Bangkok, May 1999


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Dated: 6Aug1999