Practitioners' Forum No.6 - Organisational change
- Meeting Report
- Participants List
- Presentation - Mr. Sanaka Samarasinha, UNDP SURF
- Presentation - Mr. Steve Dowall, NZAID
Practitioners' Forum No.5 - The human rights approach to education
Practitioners' Forum No.4 - Experiences from UNICEF and UNDP
Meeting Report
Participants List
- Presentation - Mr. Urban Jonsson, UNICEF
- Presentation - Ms. Amparo Tomas, UNDP SURF
Practitioners' Forum No.3 - Experiences of INGOs in Vietnam
Practitioners' Forum No.2 - Expereinces of Oxfam Great Britain in the Philippines
Meeting Report
Participants List
- Presentation - Ms. Lillian Mercado Carreon, Oxfam Great Britain
- Handout - Environmental Legal Asssistance Centre
- Handout - Community Based Costal Resource Management Programme in the Philippines
Practitioners Forum No.1 - Poverty Reduction Strategies
Meeting Report
Participants List
- Presentation - Ms. Kristina Hedlund Thulin, Sida
- Presentation - Ms. Marie-Claire Droz, ATD 4th World
Roundtable on Human Rights in Development