International Labour Organisation
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) brings together governments, and employers' and workers' organisations of its 174 Member States in common action to improve social protection and conditions of life and work throughout the world. The ILO has three priority areas of action: employment promotion and poverty alleviation; workers' protection; and human rights and international labour standards.
The Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok, serves the 25 Member States in the Asia-Pacific region. It continued to promote awareness of the agency’s core conventions during 2000. In addition, ILO worked to create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income in response to the outcomes of the World Summit for Social Development. ILO organised various workshops and provided support to policy makers on issues related to micro and small enterprise development, women in development, home workers, and people with disabilities and indigenous and ethnic minorities. A third goal of the ILO in 2000 was to enhance the coverage of its ‘Effectiveness and Social Protection for All’ initiative, pursued through a national workshop on Occupational Safety and Health and a study on Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review.
National workshop on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
Led to a cabinet resolution endorsing the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
In conjunction with RTG and an NGO adapted and translated “Start Your Business” manual.
Marketing of the new SME promotion act.
National Steering Committee on women in development to increase women’s access to training, jobs and income.
Identified priority areas and locations for project intervention.
Legal training for network of ILO members in Northern Thailand on home workers.
Increased awareness among home based workers about their rights.
Job and work analysis training for Department of Public Welfare on people with disabilities.
Contributed to a draft bill for the establishment of the national disabled labour institute.
Giant in Employment and Development Conference on micro and small enterprises in Thailand.
Formation of a Community Economy Support Committee comprised of private sector and NGO participants.