UN Information Services
The United Nations Information Services (UNIS) has a dual role to perform: one as the information service of ESCAP and the other as a designated United Nations Information Centre for Cambodia; Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic; Hong Kong, China; Malaysia; Singapore; Thailand and Viet Nam on behalf of the Department of Public Information (DPI) in New York. UNIS is the vehicle for projecting the United Nations and the ESCAP image in Asia and the Pacific.
IN 2000 UNIS actively promoted the work of the UN through various projects to raise awareness of UN activities amongst the general public in Thailand. Activities included jointly organising the UN Day and donating UN materials to a mobile bus, which will disseminate UN information to areas and groups, which are at present, difficult to reach.
‘Promoting the Right to Development’ Video produced with Worldview International Foundation on social and economic development in the region.
To promote better public awareness and understanding of the work of ESCAP emphasising the right to development.
Organised UN Day in collaboration with UN agencies. An exhibition was held in the UN building and a speech was given by the Prime Minister.
Approximately 400 persons attended to increase awareness of the UN and all its activities regionally and in Thailand.
Production of the UN calendar to commemorate the Campaign 2000 for the Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons.
Generated greater awareness and support for issues concerning the disabled in the region.
UN publications donated to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Mobile Libraries.
Promoted awareness of the works and concerns of the United Nations amongst the general public in Bangkok.