Home | Tsunami in Thailand | Reference | Situation Reports |

Progress & Challenges
Lessons learned, challenges and achievements since the tsunami.
Useful links
Ministry of Interior, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM)
Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

Situation Reports
Reports on the situation in Thailand resulting from the tsunami have been compiled by the Office of the Resident Coordinator since 27 December 2004. These are now produced on a monthly basis and provide an update of recovery progress, based on information sourced from the Royal Thai Government, UN agencies, NGOs and others. Useful statistics are provided, along with emerging trends, challenges in operating environments and concerns.
Latest situation report:
The following situation reports are listed in reverse chronological order.
26 October 2005:
Field Sitrep 19 (184Kb)
09 September 2005:
11 August 2005:
07 July 2005:
13 June 2005:
27 May 2005:
13 May 2005:
27 April 2005:
01 April 2005:
04 March 2005:
18 February 2005:
15 February 2005:
10 February 2005:
21 January 2005:
26 January 2005:
12 January 2005:
06 January 2005:
05 January 2005:
30 December 2004:
29 December 2004:
28 December 2004:
27 December 2004:
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