
UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
In terms of area covered and people served UNESCAP, which is located in Bangkok, Thailand, is the largest of the UN's five Regional Commissions. It comprises 51 member and 9 associate member countries representing over 60 per cent of the world's population, or 3.5 billion people. While other Regional Commissions operate side by side with active regional groupings such as the Organisation of African Unity or the Organisation of American States, ESCAP is the only inter-governmental forum covering the entire Asia-Pacific region. ESCAP is also an additional channel for North-South dialogue because of the membership of five non-regional developed countries, i.e., France, the Netherlands, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States.
ESCAP's main aim is to promote economic activity and social progress in the developing countries of the Asia and Pacific region. With its vast reservoir of experts in various disciplines, ESCAP works as a think tank, problem solver and catalyst for long-term social and economic development of the region.
ESCAP’s seven divisions: Population and Rural and Urban Development; Development Research and Policy Analysis; Environment and Natural Resources Development; Statistics; International Trade and Industry; Transport, Communications, Tourism and Infrastructure Development and; Social Development, have been active throughout the region during 2000. Much of the research undertaken by the commission is regional in scope as are conferences and seminars, although these are often based in Bangkok. Regional activities have benefited Thailand through her participation and through adopting best practices, identified at the regional level, to be incorporated in national level activities.
In addition to numerous regional conferences, seminars and workshops on areas related to ESCAP’s social and economic Divisions, ESCAP’s activities in Thailand include the following:
Enhanced inter-country co-operation in dealing with a variety of economic and social development issues and also benefited Thailand through participation in regional activities.
Population and Rural and Urban Development:
- The Human Dignity Initiative: Community-based Safety Nets as Tools for Human Development.
Five community development pilot projects in the Bangkok area set up.
- FAO-ESCAP pilot project on the formulation of ‘National Water Visions to Action’.
- Advisory services provided to Thailand on Bangkok Sewage and Storm Water Drainage Systems.
Part of a series of initiatives to promote water use efficiency and conservation.
- Training workshop on statistical aspects of integrating unpaid work into national policies.
- Advisory services on national accounts provided to the NESDB.
Transport, Communications, tourism and Infrastructure:
- Seminar on Sustainable Transport Development in Rattanakosin Area.
- Country review on problems related to level-crossing safety in Thailand.
Social Development.
- Institutional grant for the national workshop on social safety nets in Thailand.
- Training of disabled persons as Trainers for promotion of accessible. Environments and seminar on accessible public transport.
- Pilot project on “Capacity-building of Community Networks on preventing Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation, Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS”.
Assisted the RTG in its statistical analysis for use in effective policy making.